Bronchial Asthma Treatment

Asthma :is the most common respiratory disorder of children. It typically presents with wheeze, dry cough and difficulty breathing. Most children have wheezing associated with upper viral respiratory infections and these non atopic wheezers are likely to grow out of it by 3 -6 years of age. This type of viral induced or allergic wheezing and rhinitis or nose block have shown a substantial increase due to the increase in pollution level in most big cities.
Children who go onto develop a more persistent, atopic asthma, are associated with raised IgE.and usually have family history of asthma.
Treatment: Inhalers are the best form of treatment for asthma. Inhaled steroids are used for asthma prevention. Acute attacks can be treated with B2 Agonist inhalers. Most people have a stigma attached with inhalers that it causes habituation and sideeffects of steroids. But in fact inhalers are the best way to control asthma inpatients with the least systemic side effects. Other drugs like Leukotriene receptor antagonists and theophyllines are also used.
Non pharmacological treatment also helps in asthma control and prevent the bouts of asthma in children. These are

Allergen avoidance : By controlling House dust,mites –complete bed-covering barrier systems, removing all carpets, avoiding soft toys,high-temperature washing of bed linen, avoiding dry dusting, vacuum cleaning ,changing the mattress and pillows regularly
Air purifiers and Improving ventilation with or without de-humidification in the house
Dietary manipulation : Healthy eating habits and lifestyle, supplementation with vitamin C, vitamin D, magnesium have shown some beneficial effects.
Smoking cessation advice to caregivers and teenagers with asthma. Both Direct or passive smoking reduces lung function and increases the incidence of asthma thus the need for rescue medication very often.
At Anexas clinic we take care that the patient is counselled about the disease and how important is asthma treatment and prevention of asthma attacks